
 Coffee Table and Side tables 

These mid-century pieces were given to my husband by one of his customers, they originally were destined for the dumpster but, thankfully they got saved! I like them a lot, they are the perfect slim size for my little house. Although, they're in great condition, considering how old they are I want to do something to them. Lately I've been doing some DIY's that I still have to show on EMPHASIS. Coming up soon. Really.

I've been thinking on what to do with them, painting them is my number one choice, or maybe distressing the paint? I'm definitely not staining them, that would be too much work.

Check the different options..

 Or only half.. (stain the top and paint the bottom)

Or kid art table? Adding coloring/painting stuff instead of Legos 

See, the possibilities are endless. We'll see what I decide to do to them.

PS. Here's a sneak peek at the DIY project coming up!