I really like this dress! I mean I've had it for a couple of years now, if not more but, I just love it!
I love the color too. This is actually the first time I pair it with tights and pumps. I usually wear it in the summer, but it was part of my 30 for 30, so here it is.
dress: Ross, cardigan: Target (via DC), shoes: Guess, belt: Nine-West, bag: Gifted-Mom (Ann Taylor)
She finished all her food (beans and rice) and was more than ready to get out of her sit. By the way my husband doesn't like her bow, I happen to think she looks very cute plus, it was made by me.
Carrying on, Lilly made friends with this little boy, who had the cutest laugh and just as we were leaving he came running towards her.
Carrying on, Lilly made friends with this little boy, who had the cutest laugh and just as we were leaving he came running towards her.
Lilly had given him a balloon before we came outside, so now they were the best of friends..
This is what happen for a few minutes...
and some...
some more..
Until the little boy had to leave.. We all had a good time.
I love my hubby's smile in this picture above.. *sigh*.. Oh I love him...
Our night soon ended.. well almost, we did get a free movie (c/o Red Box) after entering a code. So it was Dinner and a Movie (the movie didn't happen though). Enrique put Lilly to bed and they both fell a sleep so, here I am sharing our night with you and ending my Valentine's day with you my lovelies!!
How was your V-day??
i love the bow! definitely perfect for a little girl.
You guys are such a cute family, and the fact that you caught the little friendship blossoming on camera was so cute! My day was really nice, great dinner with my husband and yummy food!
I love the red belt with this outfit. I can rarely pull of a belt because I have no waist. So sad, anyway....
I'm a new follower!!!
Love this outfit girl!! That dress is super duper super cute!!
Meet Virginia Design
Morgan i'll swap it with you any day!! :) (though it might be BIG on you)
i am in love with this gorgeous yellow dress! it looks so nice on you and great with the black! looks like a fun time!
I gave you a little blog award love on my blog today. Check it out at lindsayliving.com. You may have to scroll past some outfit posts to get there, but it's there, I promise!
BTW you look lovely in that dress!
i had a nice vday too! :-) btw, i like your dress! it's super pretty! and the kids are cute! you have a very lovely family!
great look, great dress
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